Making a book activity 14: Ever feel bored?

Feeling bored?  That’s great!  See, when you let yourself be bored it means that you’ve got space to come up with something new.  Some of the best games, the most ingenious ideas, and imaginative solutions are dreamed up in times of boredom. 

So let yourself be bored!  And see what happens next…

For this week’s activity in creating our Mother-Daughter Date diary together, please help us to explore this theme of ‘being bored’ by telling us what you don’t like about being bored, how you manage it, and what good things have come from times of boredom.

What will our artist create for this theme…?

Being bored isn’t bad. You might even enjoy it!

Creativity springs from boredom. And so does giving yourself a bit of a rest.  Tanja’s artwork of a sloth shows us a wonderfully relaxed way to while away the hours.

Thank you to everyone for sharing your experiences of boredom on our website, on Facebook and Instagram and telling us what you do when you are.

Everyone who contributes to our diary is entered into our draw to win a copy of the Mother-Daughter Date diary that we’re all making together.

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  1. I’ve been feeling really bored this weekend, really restless and not knowing what to do with myself. I don’t like the feeling of being bored as I often feel like I’m wasting time. But yesterday I let myself sit with it for a bit and ended up crocheting and actually almost finishing a piece I’ve been working on for weeks, plus I had a little afternoon snooze in the middle of it!

  2. 9 y/o: “feel grumpy, and want to kick something. Then I’m told that only boring people get bored. Normally I go and read; suggestions don’t work”. Me: once that phase has passed, I notice that’s when the kids concoct wonderful imagination games.

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