Your Daughter’s Rite of Passage
Helping you to create a special event to celebrate your daughter’s growing up.
Generally we mark births, marriages and deaths but have lost the tradition of marking one of life’s most critical transitions, that of maturing from child to adult. Every girl used to look forward to her preparation by elders, followed by a coming-of-age ceremony. This rite of passage was a way of guiding and celebrating each young person. It publicly acknowledged that the adolescent was no longer a child and supported each on her way towards adulthood.
Without it, young people self-initiate. The media tells them how a man or woman should be and our youngsters create their own ways of proving their adulthood through feats, dares, and adventures. They try to appear like adults in what they do and how they look: using clothes, make-up, drink, cigarettes, cars, and sex.
We grown-ups can take back the role of initiating our children into adulthood. The children welcome it, we are fulfilled by it, and a transition that has become defined by its difficulty can become a joyous one.
Create your own rite of passage ceremony for your daughter
one-hour telephone sessions
£90    (Girls Journeying Together girls: £60)
I can help you to create something meaningful and acceptable to your daughter. It can be simple and small or it can be grander and more involved. It can happen when she turns 13 or 16 or starts her period or any other moment when it just feels right. It’s always powerful and she’ll remember it her whole life.
If your daughter has been participating in a Girls Journeying Together group, then you’ve done the preparation. What comes next is your daughter’s own ceremony to mark her maturing, it’s important to complete the process.
In one or two sessions I can guide you through preparing your daughter and creating something unique to celebrate her. You will receive a complimentary how-to booklet.
Can you help me with my next book?
I’m gathering your stories of how you celebrated your daughter’s coming of age. By showing mothers (and their daughters) a range of appealing ceremony-celebrations that are relevant to today’s girls we can bring back this age-old ritual.