
Live Course: Parenting through difficult times

FREE – £359.00

Do your best parenting by learning these simple tools over three weeks, live-online with Kim McCabe, author and founder of Rites for Girls CIC.

Your choices:

  • Silver £269 for the live interactive course with Kim McCabe (see dates below)
  • Gold £359 for live course plus a 60-minute private session with Kim McCabe

Working with West Sussex County Council we are able to offer fully-funded places to parents referred by the Youth Emotional Support (YES) service in West Sussex until April 2025 (subject to availability).

Our next live 3-week courses run on Tuesdays 25th February, 4th and 11th March 12 – 2pm or Thursdays 20th and 27th March, 6th and 3rd April 7 – 9pm.

Looking for more information, please scroll down.

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    Live interactive short-course for parents of school-aged children, helping you to do your best parenting in times of challenge, guided live by Rites for Girls CIC founder and best-selling author Kim McCabe.

    This 3-week course will help you to:

    • Enjoy parenting in these strange times
    • Give your child/ren a sense of calm and safety
    • Help your children make the transition back to school
    • Give your child tools for managing their big feelings: increased anxiety; frustration, disappointment
    • Figure this all out in a supportive mini-community of ten parents

    Series of three live 2-hour online sessions with Kim, with a private Facebook group to continue the conversation during the week and three videos sent as additional material after each session.

    About Kim

    Kim McCabe, founder director of Rites for Girls CIC and author of ‘From Daughter to Woman’, specialises in guiding parents. She draws on thirty years experience of working with preteens and teens, of advising parents and lessons learned from her own mothering journey. She shares many practical tools that you can put into use today, plus gives you food for thought, that will give you confidence in your ability to parent your children safely through these uncertain times.


    Q:  Is this for Dads too?
    A:  Absolutely, Dads are welcome and encouraged.

    Q:  I’ve a son aged 5, and daughters aged 8 and 15, is this course for me?
    A:  You will learn tools you can put into immediate use whatever your child’s age or gender.

    Q:  Will recordings be available afterwards?
    A:  No, sessions are live, interactive and confidential so won’t be recorded.
    If you can’t make these dates, sign up to our newsletter to hear of when this course will run again.

    Q:  How can I contact the organizer with questions?
    A:  For more information about Rites for Girls, Kim McCabe and her book, please click here 

    Your choices:

    • Silver £269 for the live interactive course led by Kim McCabe
    • Gold £359 for the live course plus a 60-minute private session with Kim McCabe
    • WSCC funded place on live course

    Closer to the start date, we will email you a link to sign up to Zoom so you can attend the online training via live video calls.

    Each week you will receive an email from Kim giving you a couple of questions to ponder. A day before the session is due to begin you will be reminded automatically by email.

    You will receive a short video to summarise and add to what has been covered that week. You’ll also be invited to a private Facebook group to continue the conversation during the week with Kim and the other parents in your group.

    If you have booked the gold option you will also receive an hour’s private session with Kim.

    Choose Package

    Silver, Gold, WSCC YES funded

    17 reviews for Live Course: Parenting through difficult times

    1. Swati

      I gained a lot from the others sharing, more than I was originally expecting. I also found your questioning/coaching of me insightful as sometimes it is difficult to really hear yourself properly. Your insights into each of our particular problems are invaluable as you are detached and can see clearly what we maybe can’t. It is so supportive to hear that others are going through similar experiences even though we are a random group of people. The format works really well. I find this very relaxing and centring. Wish the course went on for longer!

    2. Sara

      Kim is always interesting. I also like that you ask questions about what we say. I could feel I am not alone and some of the difficulties that I have are experienced by other parents.

    3. Sarah J

      Many thanks for setting up this course, and for the wonderful circle of women able to support each other. The main thing I gained from the first session was that we are not alone! It has been such an unusual time. It was so helpful to hear everyone speak and to realise that we are all coping the best we can, doing the best we can. It was reassuring to hear other Mums having the same concerns about screen time and schooling. We always wonder if it’s just us struggling with certain things, where did we go wrong? So, to hear similar things being talked about just made me feel happier that we are doing ok. It was nice to be able to listen to the other women and for us all to talk openly about our concerns, and for no-one to worry about being judged!

    4. Ami

      I feel supported. Comfortable. Really like your commentary after each person speaks, that adds clarity.

    5. Tanya

      Insight, a place to be heard and deeper knowing of how to manage stressful times.

    6. Lucia

      Kim is extremely good, as in each individual case she offers such wisdom. It was very useful to feel understood from you and mums with similar or same problems. I wanted to carry on for more weeks. The video is very helpful that you send afterwards.

    7. Lisa

      Best bit: Gaining some more of your nuggets of wisdom! Listening to other parents’ experiences was very valuable and reminded me I’m not alone in this. Having a chance to connect with other women – always beneficial. Your video follow up was great, a really good idea for us to go back and rewatch to remind ourselves of the main themes we covered.

    8. Sara

      I enjoyed the session as I could feel I am not alone because some of the difficulties I have are also experienced by other parents.

    9. Trish

      A place to share and feel heard.

    10. Lucka

      I understand that there is no mum without issues with parenting. The video is very helpful that you have send afterwards.

    11. Lucy

      I learned to feel good about our parenting mistakes and try new paths. Very useful to me to feel understood by Kim. Kim is extremely wise. I really enjoyed it – really valuable

    12. Becky

      I’ve much greater awareness of my responses to my children.

    13. Tracy

      The series was amazing but wanted more.

    14. Jo

      I just wanted more of Kim. I think we just couldn’t get enough of her she was like a lifeline to us all. Such wisdom and so beautifully delivered.

    15. Sarah

      This course gave me 1) Camaraderie with other parents. 2) A longing to listen to Kim and hear her advice. She is one of the best people I’ve ever heard talking about parenting and she managed the group brilliantly. She is so wise and her tone just inspired us all and bonded us.
      3) Recognition that ultimately we rub along doing the best we can for the people that we love the most. Sometimes we succeed but other times we may fall short of our ideals and that in those times to become more forgiving of ourselves.

    16. Mary

      That was very emotional saying goodbye so i hope we stay in touch. Kim it was 3 great weeks of sharing and caring and it was amazing, we will all miss it I know! Here’s to staying in touch with such a fabulous group of caring mums xxx

    17. Neve

      It felt very emotional today- what with what was going on in people’s lives & then saying goodbye. Strangely the enormity & importance of what we’ve been talking about over the last few weeks, really “hit me” today.
      This is a lovely group of women. I’ve felt very accepted & supported- a comforting feeling for sure.

      Hopefully we can keep conversations going here & get to know each other more.
      Anyway, thank you for listening to me.

      You are all awesome mums & I’ve learnt loads.

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