How to parent your child back to school

How do you make the right decision about when your child/ren go back to school?

What do our children need from us during this transition time?

Kim McCabe talks about how to manage this next phase for ourselves and for our children.

Parenting course with Kim McCabe

Grab this opportunity to reflect on your parenting and gain some tips to guide your children safely through.

Bespoke short-course for parents of school-aged children, helping you to do your best parenting in this time of pandemic, guided by best-selling author Kim McCabe.

Series of three interactive 90-minute online sessions with Kim, with a private Facebook group to continue the conversation during the week and three short videos sent as additional material after each session.

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  1. Thank you for sharing some very valid points especially the fact that this will be an even more anxious time for the children as they go back to school and have to confirm to teh new regime. Also made note of what you saidabou show sensitive children will be on three return from school and remembering to be aware of this and giving them a warm welcome.

  2. That’s a really good video, thank you. I’ve been a massive pro back to schooler but today I’m feeling a bit emotional and a bit unsure about it now. This was a really good watch, at the right time.

  3. The online parenting course is fully booked, will you run another one?

    • Yes, it filled up fast! Kim is running another online parenting course on Wednesday evenings 7-8:30pm starting 22nd July for three weeks. It’s a bespoke short-course for parents of school-aged children, helping you to do your best parenting in this time of pandemic, guided by best-selling author Kim McCabe.

      This 3-week course will help you to:

      enjoy parenting in these strange times
      give your child/ren a sense of calm and safety
      be a parent at the same time as an at-home education overseer
      help your children make the transition back to school
      give your child tools for managing their big feelings: increased anxiety, frustration, disappointment
      figure this all out in a supportive mini-community of ten parents

      Series of three interactive 90-minute online sessions, with a private Facebook group to continue the conversation during the week and three short videos sent as additional material after each session.
      You can book here

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