We have a lovely mother-daughter day workshop for pre-teens which teaches about puberty and celebrates the mother-daughter bond.
How do you support the girls right through their teens?
Twice a year we offer a Girls Journeying Together group reunion, sometimes joining with other groups, covering age appropriate topics often suggested by the girls. Some of our experienced facilitators are also qualified to offer workshops to older girls on Sane Exam Preparation, Charting your Cycle, Love and Relationships, Stress Relief, and other topics as requested by the girls.
What happens at the end of the Girls Journeying Together year?
We finish with a big party! A ceremony and celebration of our year together which often ends with a sleepover for everyone at someone’s house or camping. After that the girls want to carry on seeing each other socially which you can help them to arrange.
Do the mothers have to meet while the girls do?
You’re free to choose. Mothers say they find it enormously supportive and fun, even those who didn’t fancy it to begin with.
We live 3 hours away, where can I go while my daughter’s with you?
There are always some girls who travel a considerable distance to come to a Girls Journeying Together group which means that mothers have three hours to wait. The time will fly by! All mothers are encouraged to meet while the girls are meeting — to go for a walk or to chat over a cup of tea or coffee — as this can be enormously supportive for you and for the girls. You will be given a topic to focus on that dovetails with what your daughter is doing in her session that month.
As the girls get to know each other, sleepovers and lift shares are often organised which can make long-distance arrangements easier.
Can I talk to you about my daughter?
Your Rites for Girls facilitator is there as support for you also. Email her if there is anything that you feel it would be useful for her to know about your daughter’s life, or any topics that you would like us to cover in girls’ group time. The girls are promised confidentiality, so she won’t be able talk about what your daughter shares within the group but will be able to tell you in general terms what is covered.
What if we can’t make all the Girls Journeying Together group dates?
Don’t worry if you have to miss one. Each session builds on the one before however, so please ink these dates into your diary and try to prioritise Girls Journeying Together group sessions for your daughter because she’ll be missed if she doesn’t turn up — and she’ll miss out.
What if we can’t make the taster day?
All is not lost! As long as there are still spaces, your daughter can come along to the first session to see if she wants to join.
How much does it cost?
The taster session is free. After that each monthly session will cost between £20-45 with the expectation that your daughter will earn £5 of that herself (we’ll help her figure out how).
Her facilitator writes a letter to each girl after every session and is available by text or email. We also check in with you after the first few sessions to ask if there is anything you would particularly like us to cover in your daughter’s group, although what the girls share in our sessions is confidential.
Do mothers join in?
Mothers are invited to join the group for a session halfway through the course and will also be essential to share in the final celebration. They are also encouraged to meet up while their daughters participate in the girls’ group sessions and will be given questions to discuss that will have relevance to what the girls will be covering.