The training lasts twenty months which includes three residential group training modules over eight months followed by twelve months supervised practise running your own Girls Journeying Together group, individual support, peer groups and written work. Each residential module will cover topics directly related to the Rites for Girls programme and will ask you to reflect upon your own experiences at that pre-teen stage of your life. We will be journeying together as women, mirroring the journey that you will be learning to facilitate for the girls. This means that two processes will go on simultaneously during the training: in the mornings you will experience a session of Girls Journeying Together group as an 11 year old girl; and in the afternoons there will be processing, teaching, and experiential exercises to support your own individual process as a professional adult woman working with girls of this age.  You will also be supported in this self-employed work and gathering girls for your group.
In addition to the three residential training modules you will have individual coaching with either Helena or Kim and you will be allocated a peer group for support throughout the training. After the final residential (about 9 months into the course) you will also receive monthly on-line coaching in small groups with Kim or Helena to support you in facilitating your own Girls Journeying Together group.
There will be written and practical assignments to complete in between all three training modules (2000-2500 words) and a final qualifying paper (7500-10,000 words) to complete before graduation.  Once you’re running your first group you’ll be expected to present a short monthly written paper of 1000-1500 words to track your progress and share the joys and struggles you encounter on the way.
Please note: If you have a fear of written work, please don’t let that stop you from joining us. We’re not demanding academic papers nor do you need a talent for writing; the written assignments are partly to help us to see how we can better support you in your progress, and partly to help ground and integrate your learning for yourself.
Terms and conditions – DOWNLOAD HERE the Terms and Conditions for GJT groups and Facilitator Training.