Sophy Griffiths
Girls Journeying Together Facilitator
Town: Frome, UK
Girls Journeying Together groups: Frome, Somerset
Rites for girls offers a unique journey for preteens — Girls Journeying Together groups meet monthly, offering open, nurturing warmth, where girls can be themselves just as they are, growing up at their own pace. We encourage questions, sharing and open, honest communication, where they can be curious, share their fears, desires and dreams. It is such a privilege to be a guide and mentor for girls through this time of change.
In this fast paced society with high pressures on our children this work is invaluable. The girls deepen their sense of belonging, not just to the girls group but also to the wider community of women around them. I wish I had had this opportunity when I was their age.
As the mother of a pre-teen girl myself, I understand some of the challenges in staying connected to our daughters during this transitional time. When Kim gave her talk “Parenting girls safely through their teens” in my local area, I felt compelled to get involved.
My innate playfulness and light touch found a home in performance and circus for many years. These days I teach Pilates, running classes and retreats. I now run Girls Journeying together groups to help make girls lives a bit kinder, safer and more supported.