Catherine Bishop
Girls Journeying Together Facilitator
Town: Brighton, England
Girls Journeying Together groups: Brighton and Hove, East Sussex
I am not currently offering any new Girls Journeying Together groups.
I offer a nurturing space for girls explore what it means to them to be growing up. Becoming a teenager and feeling more grown up can be exciting but there can be worries too. Our girls are under so much pressure to be a certain way to fit in. In Girls Journeying Together Group girls receive support through the group, learn about puberty and to trust the deepest part of themselves. It is a space to have fun, share hopes and fears, build new friendships, dream into the future, grow in confidence in who they are becoming, and learn they belong exactly as they are.
I love working with young people. I have been a primary and secondary school teacher and psychotherapeutic counsellor. Alongside my work I enjoy being creative, dance, singing, cinema, reading and cycling about town. I have seen girls struggling with difficult feelings about themselves and their world, and finding ways of managing that were not always for their long-term good. Girls Journeying Together groups give girls the chance to be who they truly are, to be curious and ask questions about things they might otherwise keep to themselves, find confidence in their intuition and navigate the transition towards womanhood in a positive, informed and supported way.
Honouring this rite of passage is a tradition lost in our culture. Girls Journeying Together Groups help girls acknowledge and celebrate it, so they are empowered to bring their unique gifts to the world. I would have loved to have had something like this when I was becoming a young woman.
We meet once a month for a year, so girls get to know what monthly feels like.
Through talking, games and shared activities, your daughter will practice:
- feeling comfortable in her changing body
- trusting her feelings and learning how to manage them in helpful ways
- becoming familiar with her cycle
- being and having good friends – being kind and strong
- becoming confident in choosing the kind of relationships she wants
- trusting and valuing her feminine wisdom
- celebrating her uniqueness and feeling good about herself just as she is
The preteen and teenage years are often a time when daughters seem to need you less, but in fact this is the time when they need you to step in more, in a different way. I invite mothers to journey with their daughters and with the support of other mothers in the group, to deepen the relationship with their girls.
I’d like to invite you to a taster session with your daughter, so she can discover if this is something she would like to do. You can contact me by clicking the Book Free Taster button to find out more.