Whenever your child returns to school, she will need your reassurance that it’s safe. Expect a period of adjustment and take time to reconnect with the pattern and pace of school life.
Continue readingFind your brave
Bravery looks different for everyone. Here’s how we can help our children find their brave…
Continue readingAre you shy? Me too.
We need shy girls and loud girls and bright girls and sensitive girls. We need all the different kinds of girls that there are, so we have everything covered.
Continue readingI want to make a difference…
to help make the lives of girls that bit safer, kinder and well supported.
Continue readingFriends forever!
Dear Kim,
Thank you for bringing us all together,
Hopefully we’ll be friends forever.
We will live our lives feeling very lucky,
Even though our pants might get red and yucky.
We giggled and laughed at the funnier facts,
Then we sat still and dropped our eyes to our laps.
Thank you, dear Kim, for letting us come,
You have made this year a lot of fun.
From Izzy W
Every spring I begin my new Girls Journeying Together groups, for preteen girls to meet monthly for a year to learn about the changes that lie ahead, feel what it’s like when you can be yourself in a group of peers and make friends for life.  My groups are full to capacity but Rites for Girls is training facilitators to offer Girls Journeying Together around the world, so new groups will be starting all over the country later this year.
Just before my new groups begin, the previous year’s groups come to the end of their first year which we mark with a special celebration. It’s more than a party, something to remember for the rest of their lives. This year the girls want to share with you videos that they made.  They want more girls to have the opportunity they’ve had.
Girls’ Groups — what’s the point?
Every girl needs a circle of women and the company of other girls with whom to learn about womanhood. Some girls are lucky to live in communities that naturally provide this female support. Many girls are not so fortunate.
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